淮南矿务局李咀孜煤矿职工范广学,从矿扶贫基金会贷款1000元,开办饮食摊点的近一年来,通过诚实劳动,他不仅偿还了贷款,还添置了家用电器、家具等,过上了富裕生活。他逢人便说:“是工会帮俺脱了贫”。 范广学一家5口人,上有年逾古稀、瘫痪在床的多病的老母,下有两个正在上学读书的孩子,妻子无户口,又无工作,月人均生活费不足70
Fan Guangxue, a coal mine worker from Li Zizi Coal Mine in Huainan Mining Bureau, borrowed 1,000 yuan from the Foundation for Poverty Alleviation and Foundation for the Poverty Alleviation and Development (CFPA). In the past year since the establishment of the food stalls, he honestly worked hard and not only repay the loans but also purchased household appliances and furniture. Rich life. Everyone, he said: “It is a union to help me get rid of poverty.” Fan Guangxue a family of five people, there are more than seventy years old, paralyzed bed sick mother, there are two children studying at school, his wife had no account, no work, the average monthly cost of living less than 70