The patient, male, 47 years old, was admitted to hospital on February 28, 2011 because of “more than 10 years of swelling of the right scrotum.” Initially, patients with self-induced scrotal swelling slowly, nearly 3 years swollen faster than before, no urinary frequency, urgency, dysuria, dysuria and gross hematuria, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and abdominal distension and other discomfort. Past patient health, no family history of genetic disease. Admission examination: the right side of the scrotum was significantly enlarged, can reach a size of about 16cm × 10cm × 10cm of the tumor, the texture is medium, the border is clear, mobility can be, no tenderness pain, light transmission test negative, not touched testis, epididymis And spermatic cord tissue, penis and perianal no abnormalities. Color B: The scrotum was not detected and normal testicular echo, can be found and a mixed echo area, the scope of the entire scrotum, and the wall of the wall clear, under-rules, internal echo uneven, ranging from high and low echo. CDFI: The inner can