
来源 :河南农学院科技通讯 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaozao
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悬铃木(俗称法桐)是我国和世界上许多国家的优良绿化、行道树种。分布地区广,易成活,生长快、耐修剪、寿命长,树冠冠幅大、干形美观,群众喜欢。悬铃木在河南省及其他省市绿化中所占的比重和效果,愈来愈大。随着社会主义建设对木材需要的日愈增长,发展悬铃木这个树种,不仅要考虑它在城市绿化中发挥的效益,而且也要重视它在木材利用上的作用。社会上,一般认为悬铃木木材脆开裂变形大,当柴烧,火也不旺,木材用途不大。在河南省有人主张不发展这个树种。它的木材研究有没有用?材质怎么样?这个问题,通过试验研究,加以解决,为发展这个树种,提供依据和参考。为此,河南 Platanus (commonly known as Fatong) is our country and many countries in the world of excellent greening, road tree species. Widely distributed areas, easy to survive, grow fast, resistant to pruning, long life, crown crown, dry appearance, the masses like it. Platanus in Henan Province and other provinces and cities in the green proportion and effect, increasing. With the increasing demand for timber from the socialist construction, the development of the tree species of Platanus not only takes into account its benefits in urban greening, but also its role in wood utilization. Society, generally believed that Platycladus wood brittle cracking deformation, when the firewood, the fire is not flourishing, use of wood is not. Some people in Henan Province did not advocate the development of this species. Its wood research is useless? How kind of material? This problem, through experimental research, to be resolved for the development of this species, provide the basis and reference. To this end, Henan
一、树种特性火力楠是木兰科白兰花属的一种(Michelia macclurei Dandy var sublanea Dandy)。为常绿乔木,高达30多米,胸径1米多。寿命长,一百年生的生长势仍很旺盛。树干通
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采用HPLC法测定Selexipag含量和有关物质。色谱条件如下:色谱柱:Welchrom-C_(18)色谱柱,检测波长为251nm。结果表明:Selexipag在5~150.0μg/m L浓度范围内,线性关系良好,平均
起重机械的主要性能很大程度上取决于其箱形梁结构。在对箱形梁进行全面的受力分析的基础上,建立了桥式起重机主梁结构的优化数学模型,并采用有限元软件 Patran/Nastran 和 M
据最新可靠消息,3dfx的Voodoo5 6000即将在澳大利亚的电子商务网站上出售。原来3dfx公司承诺此款产品是于今年夏天推出的。作为一款顶级显卡,Voodoo5 6000将对目前市面的GeForce2 Ultra的地位构成威胁。Voodoo5 6000即将出