一篇新闻稿件见报,署的是作者名字,幕后往往有一波三折的经历,浸透着许多人的心血。有时一个新闻点子,是集体智慧的结晶。 1987年夏天,我在太原市记者站工作。有次获得一个线索:太原市食品行业几年间先后从国外引进13项洋设备,但不少使用效益很差。我如获至宝,觉得这是改革开放中一个值得重视的问题。接连几天,我头顶炎炎烈日,挤公共汽车,骑自行车,到太原市食品二厂、三厂、太原市综合饮料厂等企业采访,掌握了不少第一手材料。于是,我写出一篇小调查报告。当时记者部负责的王宪斌同志看后,认为不错,
A press release is published in the newspaper. The name of the author is the author’s name. Behind the scenes, there are often twists and turns in the experience, soaking up the efforts of many people. Sometimes a news idea is the result of collective wisdom. In the summer of 1987, I was working at a reporter station in Taiyuan. There are times to get a clue: Taiyuan food industry in the past few years has introduced 13 foreign equipment from abroad, but many use of poor efficiency. I have won a treasure, think this is a reform and opening up a problem worthy of attention. A few days later, my head scorching sun, crowded buses, bicycles, to Taiyuan Food Factory No. 2, No. 3 Plant, Taiyuan integrated beverage plant and other companies interviewed, mastered a lot of first-hand materials. So, I wrote a small investigation report. At that time, Comrade Wang Xianbin, who was in charge of the press department, looked after it and thought it was good.