落实国家人权行动计划 提升人权司法保障水平

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《国家人权行动计划(2012-2015年)》(以下简称《行动计划》)发布以来,人民法院依职权采取有效措施推动落实,不断完善人权司法保障制度,总体完成情况良好。一、充分发挥审判职能作用,全面提升人权司法保障水平完善刑事诉讼程序,确保被告人获得公正审判。出台相关司法解释,设“非法证据排除”专节,进一步规范排除非法证据的程序等。发布建立健全防范刑事冤假错案工作机制的意见,规定对定罪证据不足的案件,应当依法宣告 Since the publication of the “National Action Plan on Human Rights (2012-2015)” (hereinafter referred to as the “Action Plan”), the people’s court has taken effective measures to promote the implementation according to its functions and powers and has continuously improved the judicial guarantee system for human rights. First, give full play to the role of judicial function, and comprehensively enhance the level of judicial protection of human rights Improve the criminal procedure, to ensure that the accused to a fair trial. The introduction of relevant judicial interpretation, set up “illegal evidence exclusion ” section, to further regulate the process of excluding illegal evidence. Release opinions on establishing and improving the working mechanism for preventing criminal miscarriage of justice and affirming that cases of insufficient conviction evidence should be declared according to law
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