日本蔬菜生产,由于温室栽培的发展,产地趋于集中,土壤传染病害日益严重。为了防治病害的发生与蔓延,除采用药剂防治外,还育出一些抗病力较强的蔬菜品种。 (一) 抗番茄黄枯萎病的有“秋光”、“耐病FR1号”,“东海1—3号”、“新兴津”等,这些品种适宜温室栽培,可作栽培品种或作嫁接用砧木。 (二) 抗茄半枯病的有“千两”、“万两”;“津田长”;抗青枯病的有“津田长”、“河边长”等,抗病能
Japanese vegetable production, due to the development of greenhouse cultivation, the production tends to be concentrated, growing infectious diseases of the soil. In order to prevent the occurrence and spread of diseases, in addition to the use of chemical control, but also give birth to some of the more resistant varieties of vegetables. (A) Resistance to tomato yellow blight are “autumn light”, “disease resistance FR1”, “East China Sea 1-3”, “Xinxing Tianjin”, these varieties suitable for greenhouse cultivation can be used as cultivars or grafting with rootstock. (B) of the resistance to the so-called half-leaf blight are “Qianliang”, “Wan Liang”; “Tsuda Tian”; resistance to bacterial wilt are “Tsuda Tianchang”, “river side”