前言:自1974年在法国勃艮第成立以来,Valinox Nucléaire在过去的近40年里,一直致力于核电蒸汽发生器管(简称蒸发器管)的生产。作为蒸发器管行业当之无愧的领军企业,Valinox Nucléaire拥有高达55%的全球市场份额。在中国这个当今全球最大的核电新建市场,Valinox Nucléaire为80%的现有及在建核电项目提供了蒸发器管,并且将中国视为最重要的市场。作为对中国核电行业的承诺,Valinox Nucléaire斥资逾5500万欧元,在广州南沙区兴建了其在华的第
Foreword: Since its establishment in Burgundy, France in 1974, Valinox Nucléaire has been working on the production of nuclear steam generator tubes for the last 40 years. As a well-deserved leader in the evaporator tube industry, Valinox Nucléaire has a global market share of up to 55%. In China, the world’s largest new nuclear power market today, Valinox Nucléaire supplies evaporator tubes to 80% of existing and under-construction nuclear power projects and views China as the most important market. As a commitment to China’s nuclear power industry, Valinox Nucléaire invested more than 55 million euros in the construction of its first section in Nansha, Guangzhou