据多年来观察,穗瘟危害的轻重、损失的大小,很大程度上取决于药剂防治,为能有效地控制穗瘟的危害,降低损失,我们多次进行多种药剂防效试验,结果证明稻瘟灵防治后季晚稻穗瘟效果较好,自破口期开始使用,时间愈早愈好。于破口期使用一次,防效达71.69%,于破口、齐穗期各防治一次,防效达88.34%。一、防治时间 1982~1984年在石庄、伴今两区,进行不同药剂防治适期的试验,各年分别于晚稻的破口、齐穗、灌浆等不同生育期进行用药,试验结果表明,常规药多菌灵,喷一次的以齐穗期施药效果最好,用药两次的以破口、齐穗期喷药效果较为理想。具内吸传导、残效期长、兼预防和治疗作用的稻瘟灵,在水稻穗期施用,
It has been observed over the years that the severity of damage caused by panicle blast and the size of the loss depend largely on the prevention and treatment of pesticides. To effectively control the harm of panicle blast and reduce the losses, we conducted multiple drug control trials for many times and the results proved Rice blast control late season rice blast is better, since the break began to use, the sooner the better. The use of a break in the mouth, the control effect of 71.69%, at the break, the control of all heading stage, control efficiency of 88.34%. First, the prevention and treatment time 1982 to 1984 in Shizhuang, now with the two districts, different agents of the appropriate period of control trials, respectively, in late rice breaking, full heading, filling and other different growth stages of medication, the test results show that, Conventional drug carbendazim, Spray once to spray the best effect at full heading, medication twice to break, full heading Spray effect is ideal. With suction conduction, long residual period, and the role of prevention and treatment of rice blast Ling, applied in rice heading stage,