1.本文对41具不同胎龄的胎尸的脊桂与脊髓各自生长变化以及二者的相互关系作了观察研究。并观察了6具1周岁婴尸及3具成人尸体。 2.脊柱增长速度自胚胎3个月始明显加快,3~5个月为最快增长期,5~7月逐渐慢下来,7~9月为最慢期。增长速度随胎龄增加而下降。 3.脊髓增长速度以胎龄5~7月为最快期,3~5月次之,7~9月最慢。 4.脊髓末端的位置在足月胎儿与1周岁婴儿期就已达到了成人的位置水平。生后到成人期,脊髓的末端位置基本上已不再上移。 5.本文对脊神经背根始端与该神经所出椎间孔的距离也作了详细地测量。
1. In this paper, 41 different gestational age of cadaveric spinal cord and spinal cord growth and their respective changes in the relationship between the observed and studied. Six 6-year-old infants and 3 adult cadavers were observed. Spine growth rate significantly increased from 3 months after embryo, 3 to 5 months for the fastest growth period, gradually slow down from May to July, 7 to September for the slowest. The rate of increase declines with increasing gestational age. Spinal cord growth rate to gestational age in May to July as the fastest, 3 to 5 times, 7 to 9 months the slowest. 4. The location of the spinal cord has reached the adult’s level at full-term fetuses and 1-year-old infants. After birth to adulthood, the end of the spinal cord is basically no longer move up. 5. In this paper, the distance between the dorsal root of spinal dorsal root and the foramen of the nerve is also measured in detail.