发财树为多年生常绿乔木,主干直立,枝条轮生,掌状复叶,叶片平展,叶柄较长。盆栽多3~5株编成一辫,美丽潇洒,翠绿怡人,且取名吉祥,已成为世界流行的室内高档观赏植物。但常因叶枯病菌的危害,致使叶片干枯,严重降低观赏价值,因此,造成经济损失。1症状识别 叶枯病
Fortune tree is a perennial evergreen tree, trunk erect, branches whorled, palmately compound leaves, leaves flat, petiole longer. Potted more than 3 to 5 braided into a braid, beautiful and elegant, green and pleasant, and named auspicious, has become the world’s popular indoor high-end ornamental plants. But often due to the hazards of leaf blight, causing the leaves dry, seriously reducing the ornamental value, thus causing economic losses. 1 Symptoms Identification of leaf blight