我科目1970年以来共收治40例肾上腺嗜铬细胞瘤,其中仅1例无临床症状,实验室检查正常,手术前被误诊,现报告如下。病例:患者男性,53岁。平素体健,无高血压、头痛及头晕等病史。1988年5月不慎被木头击伤右胸部,遂行B超检查发现肝右后方有一4.9×3.9cm低回声区,CT检查:相当于右肾上腺区见3.8×4.4cm密度均匀之软组织球形影,CT值为48Hu,增强后CT值为68Hu。初步诊断为右肾上腺肿瘤,于1988年8月18日入院。体检:T37.3℃,P88次/分,BP130/78mmHg。心肺未见异常,腹平软,未扪及肾脏和肿块,肾区无叩击痛,按压腹后无血压升高。实验室检查:24小时尿VM A6.7mg,17-OH13.4mmHg,17-KS
Since 1970, 40 cases of adrenal pheochromocytoma have been treated in my subjects since 1970. Only 1 of them had no clinical symptoms, normal laboratory tests, and misdiagnosis before surgery. The report is as follows. Case: Patient male, 53 years old. Normal physical health, no history of hypertension, headache and dizziness. In May 1988, the right chest was inadvertently hit by wood. A B-ultrasonic examination revealed a low echo area of 4.9 x 3.9 cm behind the right liver. CT examination: equivalent to a 3.8 x 4.4 cm uniform soft tissue sphere in the right adrenal gland area. The CT value is 48 Hu and the enhanced CT value is 68 Hu. The initial diagnosis of right adrenal tumors was performed on August 18, 1988. Physical examination: T37.3°C, P88 beats/min, BP130/78mmHg. There were no abnormalities in the heart and lungs. The abdomen was soft, and there was no paralysis of the kidneys and lumps. There was no percussion pain in the kidney area. There was no increase in blood pressure after abdominal pressure. Laboratory examination: 24-hour urine VM A6.7mg, 17-OH13.4mmHg, 17-KS