
来源 :中国边防警察 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:guyuehu11
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说起与我擦肩而过的东西,莫过于每年一度的记者节了。我是一名部队的通讯员,但遗憾的就是没有成为一名记者,没有过过记者节。我原来在中蒙边界的边防连当战士,天天看报纸上刊登的稿件,真眼馋呀,梦想着什么时候自己的稿子也能登上报纸,就开始了自己的创作。看着抽屉里那一沓退稿信,心想什么时候能成为记者,这样自己写的新闻就能登上报纸了。1994年春天,宣传股到连队选拔通讯员,我被列入选拔名单,由于写作水平有限,我没有被选上。2005年,边防警察报社培养新闻记者, Speaking to me, I pass by an annual correspondent festival. I am a unit correspondent, but I regret not having been a reporter or a reporter. When I was a border guard at the border between China and Mongolia, I used to read the articles published in the newspapers every day. I was really jealous. I dreamed when my own manuscript could also board the newspaper and began my own creation. Looked at the drawer that a lot of rejection letters, think about when to become a reporter, so you can write the news on board the newspaper. In the spring of 1994, the Publicity Unit went to the company to select correspondents and I was included in the selection list. Since writing was limited, I was not selected. In 2005, border police newspaper to train journalists,
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5 下列判断中,正确的是( )。  A -a一定是負数
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AIM:To determine the clinicopathological characteristics of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug(NSAID)-induced acute hepato-nephrotoxicity among Chinese patient
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对门的郝大爷养花的造诣很深,阳台上一年四季绿意葱葱,花开不断,到了春天更是花团锦簇。站在他家的阳台上,微风吹拂,花香四溢,直觉得心旷神怡。  受其感染,我也爱上养花,并由简单植物开始。每天清晨,我在阳台上打理花草,郝大爷在那头微笑着,隔空交谈,悉心指导。哪盆该浇水了,哪个该换盆了,怎样施肥和每种花草不同的习性,郝大爷都会娓娓道来。每当看到阳台上一派生机,成就感就会油然而生,也引得妻子和女儿时常到阳