
来源 :机电兵船档案 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lucky121
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我校的声像档案工作是在档案馆成立后才开始的,那时我刚刚调入档案馆工作,白手起家,其间的辛酸不知从何说起。当时在我面前如同摆着两座大山:一是如何尽快掌握档案管理和声像档案管理业务,尽快进入角色;二是如何收集、整理声像档案,开展声像档案管理工作。当时教职员工的档案意识还很薄弱,对声像档案应如何收集、整理、归档,更是陌生了。记和有一次我到某系收集学生毕业照,说明来意后,接待我的同志竞说:“凭什么把照片给你呢?没有!”就不理睬了。眼看着很多记载着我校历史的照片、录音带、录像带等声像资料收不上来,我心里真是又着急又难过。为填补这一空白,我没有灰心,凭借着对 My school’s audiovisual archives work began after the founding of the Archives, when I just transferred to the archives work, from scratch, during which the bitterness I do not know where to start. At that time, there were two big mountains in front of me: first, how to master the file management and audiovisual archives management business as soon as possible and enter the role as soon as possible; secondly, how to collect and arrange the audio and video files and carry out the audiovisual archives management. At that time, the staff members’ awareness of archives was still very weak. It was even more strange to collect, organize and archive audiovisual archives. Remember, once I went to a department to collect graduation photos of students and explained their wishes, the comrades who received me competed and said: “Why do you give the photos to you? No!” Seeing a lot of records of the history of our school photos, audio tapes, video tapes and other audio and video information does not come up, my heart is really anxious and sad. To fill this gap, I did not discourage, by right
一、填空题 1.我国第一台——列车近H在国防科技大学研制成功,这种列车被称为“2l世纪的新型交通工具”。该例车的研制成功,标志着我国——研究已进入国际先进行夕1J。 2.199
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我这学期带初一年级一个班兼教语文。孩子们老缠着我要看课外书。我说学习太忙,哪有时间看课外书?他们说忙什么呀,一天上10节课,多的是时 I have a class and teach Chines
三十年前,罗亦根从华师大毕业后自愿来到封开山区当教师。栉风沐雨,培桃育李。三十年后,她依然无悔地说: Thirty years ago, after graduating from Hua Normal University,
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