人们需要新闻自由,是因为他们需要道德的生活、政治的生活、科学的生 活、趣味的生活。●要与国际接轨,在国际竞争中争得主动,而不被边缘化和淘汰,就必须制 定能适应现代化社会需要和应对全球化挑战的新闻法。●新闻管理体制多元化实行内外有别,就是说,执政党对于自己主办的报刊 出版社和不是自己主办的报刊出版社要区别对待。●在一个开放社会,国家对媒体的管理,主要不是通过事无巨细的插手干 预,而是以法律为准绳,从管制逐步向指导转化。
People need freedom of the press because they need a moral life, a political life, a scientific life, a fun life. ● To be in line with international standards and gain the initiative in international competition without being marginalized or eliminated, it is necessary to formulate a press law that can meet the needs of modern society and meet the challenges of globalization. ● The diversification of the information management system is different internally and externally. That is to say, the ruling party should treat both the newspaper and magazine itself as its own sponsor and the newspaper and periodical press that is not its own sponsor. ● In an open society, the state’s management of the media is not mainly mediated through discretionary intervention. Instead, it takes the law as the criterion and gradually changes from regulation to guidance.