[总体阅读思考] 八十年代末期,一些青年,特别是青年学生曾先后两次不同程度地卷进学潮,还自以为是爱国之举,结果被极少数人利用,给祖国带来很大的损失。那么究竟什么是社会主义时期的爱国主义,如何实践社会主义时期的爱国主义、履行自己崇高的道德责任,本文运用马克思主义观点,从历史唯物主义和唯物辩证法的高度,旗帜鲜明地作出了回答。阅读本文时,可考虑:1、课题结构及其作用;2、科学爱国主义、社会主义时期的爱国主义、民族自尊心、自豪感、
In the late 1980s, some young people, especially young students, have twice or twice embarked on a tide of study and considered themselves patriotic. As a result, they were used by a handful of people and brought great losses to the motherland. So what exactly is the patriotism in the socialist period, how to practice the patriotism in the socialist period, and to fulfill its noble moral responsibility? This article uses the Marxist viewpoint to answer clearly the question from the standpoint of historical materialism and materialist dialectics. When reading this article, consider: 1, the structure of the subject and its role; 2, scientific patriotism, patriotism in the socialist period, national pride, pride,