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粘土可以说是人们最常见、且又熟知的一种自然资源了。但是你见过纤维状的粘土吗? 在漫长的地质史上,某些波涛汹涌的海湾或湖泊,随着地壳的上升,渐渐地平静了下来成了一泓碧波。在干旱或半干旱的气候条件下,随着蒸发作用的加剧,一部分泻湖和湖泊逐渐形成了高镁,富硅、贫铝的碱水盆地,pH值7—11,玄武岩及其相关的岩石受风化剥蚀,它们的碎屑逐渐沉积形成了一层层纤维状的粘土。纤维状粘土是一组含水的镁铝硅酸盐矿物:凹凸棒石、海泡石、坡缕石等形成的非金属矿产。它们在我国的四化建设中,从人们的日常生活到尖端科学技术领域都在起着重要的作用。而凹凸棒石粘土则又是此中的佼佼者。 Clay can be said to be one of the most common and well-known natural resources. But have you seen fibrous clay? In the long history of geology, some of the choppy bays or lakes, with the rise of the crust, have gradually calmed down to become a rainbow. In the arid or semi-arid climatic conditions, as the evaporation intensifies, some lagoons and lakes gradually form high-magnesium, silicon-rich, aluminum-poor alkali basins with pH values ​​of 7-11, basalts and their associated rocks affected Weathering and denudation, their detritus gradually deposited to form a layer of fibrous clay. Fibrous clays are a group of hydrous magnesium alumino-silicate minerals: nonmetallic minerals formed from attapulgite, sepiolite, palygorskite and the like. They play an important role in the four modernizations of our country from the daily life of people to cutting-edge science and technology. Attapulgite clay is one of the best.
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李金国 1971年生,福建漳州人。1999年毕业于中国美术学院。现为江苏省国画院专职画家、中国美协会员、中国工笔画协会会员。 Li Jinguo was born in 1971 in Zhangzhou, Fuj
在不久前结束的黑龙江新闻奖评选会上,笔者与他人合作的《元葱村三问》,荣获报纸类通讯一等奖。这里简单谈一谈它的诞生和写作。 1999年秋,我们到齐齐哈尔市梅里斯区达斡尔
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§ 0引言通常所说的歧义是指语言单位———词经动态组合后所构成的结构单位———短语或句子可以有两种或两种以上的理解。在具体的言语交际环境中真正能引起歧义的结构单位
词典编纂过多、过乱 ,而词汇理论研究 ,尤其是汉语词义理论研究严重滞后 ,早已经是公认的事实。因此 ,深入开展词汇研究、特别是词义理论的研究 ,正确地回答和解决辞书编纂中