读了赵英新著《大国世纪——超级产业与大国政治》后,颇有相见恨晚之感。二十一世纪的中国向何处去?无论左中右各派学者,只要仍具有强烈国家意识的,都在苦苦追问。虽然,在这个全球化声音甚嚣尘上的时代,已经有一些“世界公民”耻笑这种迂腐的问题,热衷于为地球村制规定矩,为美国轰炸南斯拉夫和中国大使馆辩护,但对于无法出国留洋买绿卡的绝大多数中国公民来说,作为人的尊严仍然是与作为中国人的尊严联系在一起的。因此,壮大综合国力的命题也仍然有紧迫的意义。 然而,一旦考虑这一命题,所谓“小政府、大社会”的目标模式就会受到质疑。可以说,九十年代后期以来思想界正是在这里发生了重大分化。“世界公民”们相信,只要有了完善
After reading Zhao Yingxin’s book, The Great Power - Super Industry and Power Politics Where will China in the 21st century go? No matter the scholars of the left, the right, or the left, they are all going to question hard if they still have strong national consciousness. Although there have been such ridiculous issues of ridicule by “world citizens” in this era of globalized voices, keen to set a precedent for the global village system and defend the U.S. bombing of the Yugoslav and Chinese embassies, but for those who can not go abroad to buy a green card Of the vast majority of Chinese citizens, their human dignity is still linked to their dignity as Chinese. Therefore, the proposition of expanding the comprehensive national strength still has pressing significance. However, once this proposition is considered, the so-called “small government, big society” target model will be questioned. It can be said that it is precisely here that the world of ideology has undergone major divisions here since the late 1990s. “Citizens of the world” believe that as long as there is perfect