复杂性偏头痛(complex migraine)神经系统症状复杂多样,从单纯头痛到黑蒙、瘫痪乃至昏迷,有时留有持久的后遗症或死亡.作者报告1例13岁女孩,行路时突发性双下肢无力、短暂视力丧失、额部剧痛,6周后下肢短暂感觉丧失、头痛、定向力障碍,继之昏迷,伸性跖反射,体温39.4℃,1周
Complex migraine Neurological symptoms are complex and varied, ranging from simple headache to darkness, paralysis and even coma, sometimes with long-lasting sequelae or death The authors report a 13-year-old girl who had sudden weakness in her lower extremities , Short-term visual loss, forehead pain, temporary loss of lower extremity after 6 weeks, headache, disorientation, followed by coma, extensor plantar reflex, body temperature 39.4 ℃, 1 week