苦杏仁为我国重要的法定生药①之一,它的制剂如杏仁水,杏仁霜等应用极广,很多著名的中药复方如麻杏石甘汤等等都少不了苦杏仁. 苦杏仁中除含一种挥发性油(苦杏仁油②)外,尚含有一种脂肪油——杏仁油.通常苦杏仁中平均含脂肪油(杏仁油)量③约占生药全量的35-50%.据研究④压油后的杏仁仍可供药用(注)所以我们若以压去油后的苦杏仁供用,则每年可得大量的杏仁油出口,以换取外汇.
Bitter almond is one of the most important legal raw materials in China. Its preparations such as almond water and almond cream are widely used. Many well-known Chinese herbal complexes such as Ma Xing Shi Gan Tang and so on are bitter almonds. In addition to the volatile oil (Bitter Almond Oil 2), it still contains a fatty oil - almond oil. Generally, the average amount of fatty oil (almond oil) in bitter almonds is about 35-50% of the total amount of crude drug. According to research 4 The pressed almonds are still available for medicinal purposes (Note) Therefore, if we use the bitter almonds after pressure, we can obtain a large amount of almond oil exports each year in exchange for foreign exchange.