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1998年以来,国家陆续安排我省国债资金90多亿元,用于我省基础设施项目建设,为确保国债资金专款专用,省委、省政府三令五申,要求各地、各部门必须按照国家投资计划使用资金,并两次派出重大项目稽察特派员进行督促检查。目前,全省大部分国债项目的资金管理和使用情况是好的,但个别地区仍然存在违规现象,给我省基础设施建设工作造成恶劣影响。为使全省引以为戒,现就严格执行国家投资计划,加强国债项目资金管理的有关问题紧急通知如下:一、各地、各部门及各项目单位必须严格执行国家投资计划,确保国债资金(即国家下达的中央财政预算内专项资金和地方财政预算内专项资金)专款专用,严禁任何部门、单位滞留、挤占、截留、挪用和周转国家专项建设资金。违反规定者,除停止拨款并扣回已拨资金外,要追究当事人和主管领导人的责任,并给予严肃处理;情节严重,构成犯罪的,要追究法律责任。 Since 1998, the state has successively arranged more than 9 billion yuan of treasury bonds in our province for the construction of infrastructure projects in our province. In order to ensure the earmarking of funds for treasury bonds, the provincial party committee and the provincial government make repeated orders and require all localities and departments to use it in accordance with the state investment plan Funds, and twice sent a major project inspector to supervise and inspect. At present, most of the treasury bonds in the province have good fund management and utilization. However, irregularities still exist in some areas, causing adverse impacts on the infrastructure construction in our province. In order to make the province a warning, we hereby urgently issue the following urgent announcements on the strict implementation of the state investment plan and the strengthening of treasury bond fund management: 1. All localities, departments and project entities must strictly implement the state investment plan to ensure that the treasury bonds fund That is, the special funds allocated by the state in the central budget and the special funds in the local budget) are strictly forbidden for any department or unit to detain, seize, retain, misappropriate and turn over the state special construction funds. Those who violate the provisions shall, in addition to stopping allocating funds and deducting the allocated funds, hold the party and the supervisor in charge seriously and give them serious treatment; if the circumstances are serious and constitute a crime, they shall be investigated for legal responsibility.
本刊1994年曾介绍过QY-20迷你作曲机,也曾有许多读者来信询问这方面的问题。 雅马哈公司继QY10、QY20、QY300之后,于近期再次公布专业的音乐作曲机QY700,其外型如附图所示。
美国Hughes飞机公司的3D立体声专利技术被SRS实验室收买后推出环绕声解码器,简称SRS 3D。已经历了数年的考验,尤其是在影片的声音系统已经有了划时代的突破。与杜比AC-3系统