中国戏曲的活化石昆曲迄今为止已有近七百年的 悠久历史,在2001年,昆曲艺术被联合国教科文组织列为首批《人类口头和非物质遗产代表作》,这当然是中国戏曲的无上光荣。昆曲之被世界承认,表明其艺术成就和文化价值已超越国界与民族,为全人类所认识和赞赏。回顾昆曲漫长的历史发展进程,涌现过一大批杰出的剧作家,优秀的表演艺术家,他们对昆曲艺术的发展完善做出了不可磨灭的贡献;而这其中京剧艺术大师梅兰芳自是彪炳史册的有功之臣。
The fossil kunqu of Chinese opera has so far enjoyed a long history of nearly seven hundred years. In 2001, Kunqu opera was listed by Unesco as the first masterpiece of the oral and intangible heritage of mankind, which of course is the supreme Chinese opera glory. The recognition of Kunqu Opera by the world shows that its artistic achievements and cultural values have surpassed national boundaries and nationalities and become known and appreciated by all mankind. Recalling the long history of the development of Kunqu Opera, there have been a large number of outstanding playwrights and outstanding performing artists who have made an indelible contribution to the development and improvement of Kunqu Opera. Among them, the master of Peking opera art, Mei Lanfang, The active minister.