编辑同志: 四五十年前,许多大西洋邮轮,还有其他一些水面舰船,都达到了二十多节甚至三十节的速度,而当今世界上许多先进的巡洋舰、驱逐舰(不论是常规动力还是核动力)速度不过是三十节或再多一些。这是什么缘故呢? 北京大学物理系黄智林
Editor’s Comic: Forty or fifty years ago, many Atlantic cruise ships and some other surface ships reached speeds of more than 20 or even 30 knots. Many advanced cruisers and destroyers in the world today Or nuclear power) is only thirty knots or more. What is the reason? Peking University Department of Physics Huang Zhilin