
来源 :矿产保护与利用 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:woaidai123
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矿床中矿物原料的合理利用,要求较充分地开发所采范围内的矿产,减少采矿和选矿工作的尾矿量并向采选生产的少尾矿工艺过渡。因此,根据开发某一矿床时形成的尾矿数量,在很大程度上可判断出该矿床矿产利用的效益。同时在矿产开采和选矿时尾矿的形成是确定环境破坏范围的主要因素之一,即成为矿山工作生态效益指标。目前苏联黑色冶金工业部下属铁矿部门,尾矿年平均量为3.98亿米~3,苏联煤炭工业部所属企业的尾矿年平均量为11.50亿米~3。矿山开采工作对土地的破坏和对大气层的污染,在很大程度上取决于采选作业的尾矿量。可以预料,从1970年起再过20年铁矿石采选时堆存的尾矿数量超过200亿米~3。在其它开采部门也有相类似的情况。 The rational utilization of mineral raw materials in the deposit requires a more adequate exploitation of the mineral resources within the mining area, the reduction of the amount of tailings in mining and beneficiation work and the transition to the less tailings process of the production and selection. Therefore, according to the amount of tailings formed when a certain deposit is developed, the benefit of mineral utilization of the deposit can be largely determined. At the same time, the formation of tailings in the process of mineral exploration and mineral processing is one of the main factors to determine the scope of environmental damage, that is, it becomes an indicator of the ecological benefits of mining work. At present, the iron ore sector under the Ministry of the Black Metallurgical Industry of the Soviet Union has an average annual tailings volume of 398 million m 3 and an average annual tailings volume of 1,150 million m 3 owned by the Soviet Ministry of Coal Industry. The damage to the land and the pollution to the atmosphere caused by mining work depend largely on the amount of tailing for the mining operations. It is expected that the number of tailings deposited during the iron ore mining and dressing process will exceed 20 billion m 3 in another 20 years since 1970. In other mining sector there is a similar situation.
就媒体而言 ,所谓品牌就是媒体的技术、物质品质与感性条件相融合而形成的一个整体识别标志 ,是一个媒体区别于另一个媒体的重要标志 ,也是媒体本质的外在表征。在各电视台包
第 1期19 99~ 2 0 0 1·勘察地球化学·资源与环境奚小环  ( 1)………………………………………………………………………………成都市多目标地球化学调查新增分析元素的特征