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政府的经济职能主要是选择运用宏观经济政策调节经济。要选择恰当的宏观经济政策,前提是对宏观经济运行态势或形势有正确的认识,当然正确的理论指导也不可或缺。文中通过对1993年以来宏观调控的经验总结与理论反思,提出了解决我国当前面临的经济问题需要选择实行的宏观经济政策的建议,即:实行以增加政府支出为主的扩张性的财政政策,实行放松银根的货币政策并以之支持扩张性的财政政策,实行增加居民即期购买力的收入政策而以扩张性的财政政策予以支持。强调利用收入政策是本文的突出特点,这一政策的具体措施有:①较大幅度地提高工薪阶层的收入水平(比如公务员工资3年翻1番);②建立规范的退休养老和失业保险制度,以保障这一群体的基本生活;③综合利用财政政策和产业政策扩大就业;④依靠政策和科技增加农民收入,依靠政策的重点在于支持农村富余劳动力转向非农产业,依靠科技则侧重于增加农民的人力资本和以高新技术取代传统的种养技术,从而提高农业的边际生产力和农产品附加值以增加农民收入 The government’s economic function is mainly to use macroeconomic policies to regulate the economy. To select the appropriate macroeconomic policy, the premise is that the macroeconomic situation or situation have a correct understanding of course, the correct theoretical guidance is also indispensable. Through the experience and reflection of macroeconomic regulation and control since 1993, this paper puts forward some suggestions on how to choose and implement macroeconomic policies in order to solve the current economic problems in our country, that is, to implement the expansionary fiscal policy which mainly includes increasing government expenditure, We will implement the monetary policy of easing monetary policy and support it with an expansionary fiscal policy by supporting the expansionary fiscal policy and implementing the income policy of increasing residents’ immediate purchasing power. Emphasize the use of income policy is the salient features of this article, the specific measures of this policy are: ① a substantial increase in working-class income levels (such as civil servants pay 3-fold doubled); ② establish a standardized retirement pension and unemployment insurance system So as to ensure the basic livelihood of this group; ③Enlarging employment through comprehensive utilization of fiscal policies and industrial policies; ④Relying on policies and science and technology to increase peasants’ incomes, the key to relying on policies is to support the shift of rural surplus labor force to non-agricultural industries; The human capital of peasants and the replacement of traditional planting and breeding techniques by high and new technologies will increase the marginal productivity of agriculture and the added value of agricultural products so as to increase peasants’ incomes
法国的 Thomson—CSF 公司(汤姆森无线电公司)将把主动雷达导引头用在英国宇航公司(British Aerospace Ltd)研制的一种新型的中程空对空导弹。 Thomson-CSF (Thomson Radio
1959年10月7日,我空军防空导弹部队首次击落美制RB-57D高空侦察机,拉开了地空导弹电子对抗的序幕。 1963年,美制U-2高空侦察机开始装备 On October 7, 1959, the first air