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老年人一直被视为信息消费的边缘人群,但这种陈旧的观念应该被推翻了。近来,日本电信运营商将目光投向了日益庞大的银发族。日本目前已经步入老龄化社会,65岁以上老人的占比高达23%。有数据显示,日本老人中智能手机的普及率仅为6%,远远低于二三十岁年轻人51%的普及率。而出乎很多人意料的是,老年人的消费观念相当开放。据日本总务省在今年2月发布的数据显示,自日本2011年地震以来,全国平均消费支出有所下滑,但69岁以上老人的人均消费则增长 Older people have always been regarded as the marginalized of information consumption, but this stereotype should be overthrown. Recently, Japanese telecom operators have turned their attention to the growing silver hair family. Japan has now entered an aging society, accounting for up to 23% of those over 65 years of age. Data show that the penetration rate of smart phones among the elderly in Japan is only 6%, much lower than the 51% penetration rate of young people in their 20s and 30s. And contrary to many people’s expectations, the concept of consumption of the elderly is quite open. According to data released by Japan’s Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications in February this year, the average national consumption expenditure has declined since the 2011 earthquake in Japan, but the per capita consumption of the elderly over the age of 69 has increased