Traffic resource allocation for complex networks

来源 :Chinese Physics B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:guanyuefei
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In this paper, an optimal resource allocation strategy is proposed to enhance traffic dynamics in complex networks. The network resources are the total node packet-delivering capacity and the total link bandwidth. An analytical method is developed to estimate the overall network capacity by using the concept of efficient betweenness (ratio of algorithmic betweenness and local processing capacity). Three network structures (scale-free, small-world, and random networks) and two typical routing protocols (shortest path protocol and efficient routing protocol) are adopted to demonstrate the performance of the proposed strategy. Our results show that the network capacity is reversely proportional to the average path length for a particular routing protocol and the shortest path protocol can achieve the largest network capacity when the proposed resource allocation strategy is adopted. In this paper, an optimal resource allocation strategy is proposed to to enhance traffic dynamics in complex networks. The network resources are the total node packet-delivering capacity and the total link bandwidth. concept of efficient betweenness (ratio of algorithmic betweenness and local processing capacity). Three network structures (scale-free, small-world, and random networks) and two typical routing protocols (shortest path protocol and efficient routing protocol) are adopted to demonstrate the performance of the proposed strategy. Our results show that the network capacity is reversely proportional to the average path length for a particular routing protocol and the shortest path protocol can achieve the largest network capacity when the proposed resource allocation strategy is adopted.
法国女人萨蔓莎  我是移居加拿大后才开始关注星空的,这要感谢一个法犹混血男孩,他叫以撒。  十几年前,我和家人一起登陆加拿大的法语大省魁北克,并不知道那里的星空有多美妙。为了谋生,我周末到蒙特利尔某社区的儿童中心工作,教当地孩子说中文。我自创了一种“边画画,边学中文”的教学方式,小试之下,颇受学生欢迎,招生很快满员。  开学那天,来了一个叫萨蔓莎的女人,她央求我接收她五岁的儿子以撒。这个法国女人眼
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