A Brief Discussion of D.H. Lawrence's Minimization of the Importance of Ration in Tickets,Pleas

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  In the two short stories Tickets, Please and The Horse Dealer’s Daughter, D.H. Laurence does minimize the importance of ration or rational thought as he doesn’t describe the characters who are able to think properly. Instead, they more often than not resort to emotion or strong willpower:
  In the short story Tickets, Please, at the very beginning, the absurdity brought about by the war was shown, resulting in the fall of virility but women taking up the qualities of men. The inspector of the tramcar, Thomas was a typical playboy. As he and Annie’s relationship witnessed a developing intimacy, Annie wanted to develop an intelligent interest in him and to have an intelligent response, thus intending to develop their relationship into marital love. Unfortunately, the intelligence didn’t work and Thomas sheered off, having no idea of becoming an “all-round individual” to Annie. Moreover, Thomas’s irrational thought was embodied in that when he was forced to choose one girl from the group after being beaten by them, he eventually chose Annie, who was the one he hated most as their reconciliation couldn’t be possible. Beneath the surface of fulfilling the choice, by choosing Annie, he believed he could have the chance to launch a counterattack. That was more than irrational but evil.
  The short story also zeroes in on the irrational female group’s psychology, characterized by their desire to revenge and possess. Their accumulative anger and resentment eventually led to violence that resulted in their ferocious beating of Thomas. As the title of the short story “Ticket, Please” has indicated, their violent actions insinuated that Thomas’s flirtations with women would eventually usher in the punishment or revenge against him. He must pay for it as “ticket” is always linked with “price”. As for Annie, her irrational thought is embodied in that even though she knew from the bottom of her heart that Thomas was a “professional” playboy who couldn’t be relied on, she still wanted to take an intelligent interest in him and eventually marry him and she was thrown into a spasm of despair when she was deserted by Thomas. Moreover, she did also have a contradictory reaction when Thomas left her as “she determined to have her own back” is a pun, not only hoping to win her lover back, but also retaliating against him. This kind of reaction is no ration at all.
  The irrational thoughts in the short story The Horse Dealer’s Daughter mainly result from the conflicts between reason and emotion, instinct and intellect as well as flesh and spirit.   The short story is set in the bankruptcy of a family’s horse-dealing business in wake of the father’s death which then led to the family disintegration so that at the beginning of the story Mable and her brothers gathered not long before they departed from each other. Satirically, all the brothers at the beginning of the story are depicted with animalistic qualities and they didn’t care about each other, feeling “safe” themselves. As for Mable, she remained aloof all the way through. Therefore, in this sense, D.H. Lawrence bitterly criticized the human relationship damaged by the invasion of industry when even blood relationship or kinship didn’t count at all but was overthrown by selfishness which can’t be rational.
  Mable in this short story was a girl whose deportment remained “mindlessly persistent”. She got herself engaged in the task at the grave, by which with a sincere satisfaction, she could feel in immediate contact with the world of her dead mother. “Coming nearer to her fulfillment, her own glorification, approaching her dead mother, who was glorified” became the only irrational pursuit of Mable and she eventually stepped into the pond to commit suicide.
  As for the doctor, Jack, he was painfully torn by the conflicts between reason and emotion, his stance of a doctor and his desire of a human being as well as his personal emotion and public opinion. Originally, as related in the short story, “He had never thought of loving her. He had never wanted to love her. When he rescued her, he was a doctor, and she was a patient. He had no single personal thought of her.”, whereas when confronted with a woman in desperate need of love, he tried to revolt from it but under no circumstances was he able to break away. Finally, he “surrendered”. Therefore, we can see that it cannot be rational for the doctor with no intention to love the girl but eventually fell in love with her by means of the “violation of his professional honor”. That was no reason but impulse.
最近,关于“老人摔倒,仅小学生敢扶”的新闻屡见报端。  几双小手,一个简单的搀扶动作,让人汗颜。在大叹世风日下,只有孩子良心尚存之时,是不是该问问:这个世界怎么了?  曾经,我们戴着红领巾,虔诚地把捡到的钢交到警察叔叔手中,因为“叔叔拿着钱,对我把头点,我高兴地说了声叔叔再见”现在,我们战战兢兢,看到地上的钱包不敢捡,没准路边蹿出个“诈骗集团”要求见面分一半,或者有人大喊着“放下赃物,举起手来”,
自己选择的才是最好的。我们惊喜地看到,在打造邓稼先班的过程中,教师的引导是那么的巧妙。而孩子们呢,同样没有辜负老师的信赖,他们自主自为,把班级文化演绎得如此精彩!    这是一个欢乐的集体,这是一个焕发着健康生命力的集体,这是一个有着鲜明个性和浓郁文化气息的集体。它就是吴忠二中初一(1)班——邓稼先班。    多彩的教室,自己装点  走进邓稼先班,你一定感到很新鲜!  首先印入眼帘的是 “邓稼先班
【摘要】随着我国德育工作的广泛开展,高等教育积极运用思想政治课教学理念,积极改进课堂教学内容和教学形式,实施创新教育,体现了思想政治课的教育效益,充分体现了知识性、互动性和意识形态性的特点。本文结合大学生的生活经历和知识水平,提出了思想政治教育的几点建议:在课程理念和政策上,职业学校应从英语课程中开发隐性教育资源,制定指导方针,为学生提供无形的道德影响,激发情感共鸣,筑牢思想信念。  【关键词】课
【摘要】中式英语作为汉英翻译中较为常见的问题,对于汉语词汇和语句错误的翻译,会影响翻译内容的理解效果,降低译文的整体质量。本文在了解汉英翻译中中式英语表现形态的基础上,从文化元素和语言迁徙因素探讨中式英语出现的原因,针对主要的差异问题,提出在汉英翻译中如何避免中式英语的对策,以供参考。  【关键词】汉英翻译;中式英语;发展趋势  【作者简介】颜娟,西安交通工程学院。  引言  在汉英翻译中受到不同
【摘要】英语是高中教学阶段的重要学科,阅读与写作是英语教学的重要组成部分,也是英语教学的重难点。在新课改的背景下,读写一体化教学受到了广泛的关注。在一体化教学中,阅读与写作是紧密相连的,两者相辅相成。在高中英语教学中实施读写一体化教学,就要摒弃传统阅读与写作分离的教学形式,将两者进行有机的融合,让学生切实体会到“读书使人充实,写作使人严谨”的含义。  【关键词】高中英语;读写一体化;教学模式  【
活动背景  快乐、活泼本是儿童的天性。但今日的儿童,小小年纪也开始“初识烦恼”。在我所带的班中,我发现学生卢某常常不快乐,因为同学经常不愿意和他一起玩,甚至在秋游前的小组自由组合中,没有人愿意和他一组;俞某常常不快乐,因为自己动作慢,作业拖拉,常挨爸爸妈妈和老师的批评;女生沈某常常不快乐,因为生来手臂上就有一块显眼的紫红胎记……为了“还儿童一个快乐的童年”,帮助学生应对烦恼事件,学会调节自己的情绪
【摘要】为了使高中英语教学适应时代的发展步伐,信息技术与高中英语教学的有机结合势在必行。本文基于一节高考完形填空策略指导课来展示如何结合学校实际情况开展这种有机结合课堂,并对其有效性和注意事项展开讨论。  【关键词】信息技术;高中英语教学;有机结合  【作者简介】林碧霞(1982-),女,福建宁德人,宁德市高级中学,一级英语教师,本科。  一、问题的提出  为了积极推进“互联网 教育”发展,《教育
【摘要】在英语教学中,写作是不容忽视的一关,它在语言表达能力以及阅读能力方面有着重要且深刻的意义。随着教学经验不断增加,在教授写作时能够归纳总结出一些较为实用的教学方法,以达到更好的教学目标。  【关键词】写作能力;培养与提高;激发兴趣  【作者简介】秦翠茹,甘肃省定西市岷县南川小学。  笔者多年来致力于义务教育阶段英语教学,发现想要提高学生的综合英语能力,使他们不再畏惧英语,不管是小学阶段还是中
【摘要】中介语石化是外语学习者在学习中经常会遇到的问题,它会阻碍学习者目的语的发展。本文对中介语石化产生的原因进行了分析,并阐明了中介语石化现象对英语翻译教學的影响并提出了建议。  【关键词】中介语石化;英语翻译教学  【作者简介】王威(1987.03.01-),女,长春师范大学,助教,硕士研究生,研究方向:应用语言学。  早在1969年,英国语言学家Larry Selinker在《中介语》一文中