随着社会主义市场经济体 制的确立和沿海外向型经济的 发展,海防民兵建设面临着全 新的环境。在这种形势下,海 防民兵建设应确立什么样的指 导思想,是加强海防民兵建设 的一个重要课题。 确立市场经济条件下海防 民兵建设的指导思想,离不开 对制约和影响海防民兵建设各
With the establishment of a socialist market economic system and the development of a coastal and export-oriented economy, the building of a national defense militia is facing a completely new environment. Under such circumstances, what kind of guiding ideology should be established for the building of a militia in coastal defense is an important issue for strengthening the militia building in the coastal areas. The establishment of the guiding ideology of building a coastal anti-militia under market economy can not be separated from the control and control of the building of the militia