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2000年,中国大陆有一次犬展,就是当年10月的BKC犬展,那次,我是被邀请的摄影师。作为犬展中被邀请的摄影师,那也是中国的第一次和第一个。然而,那实际上并不属于我下面所说的邀请。除了杂志使用了一些照片,我没有卖出一张。2001年,中国大陆有少于5次的犬展。我仍然被BKC邀请,也是当年唯一一个受邀摄影师。这时,我开始知道如何更加可持续发展地被邀请。其标志是,我能够携带属于自己的版权标志的赏励照铭牌,进入指定的赏励照拍摄区域为客户服务。这次,我销售了不到10张照片。2006年中国大陆实际发生的犬展次数已经超过40次,涉及全国25个城市。我受邀拍摄18次,还有另外8位摄影师分别受邀服务于19个犬展,剩余几次,没有邀请摄影师。我推测,所有摄影师一共卖出了约千张照片。2008年以后,可能每年有近100场犬展。那时,将有多少受邀犬展摄影师?犬展照片将有多少销售额?无法想象。但可以肯定的是,现在的摄影师队伍的规模和质量,完全不能满足要求。这是一个将大力发展,而对摄影师的需求和存在现状不匹配的时代。同时,犬展组委会的短视和无知,给摄影师的受邀带来了很多疑问和麻烦。如何邀请?如何被邀请?这是一个双方需要达成共识的问题。 In 2000, there was a canine show in mainland China, which was the BKC canine show in October of that year. That time, I was invited as a photographer. As the invited photographer at the Dog Show, it is also the first and the first in China. However, that does not actually belong to my invitation below. In addition to the magazine using some photos, I did not sell a. In 2001, there were less than 5 canine shows in mainland China. I was still invited by BKC and was the only invited photographer of the year. At this moment, I started to know how to be invited more sustainably. The sign is that I am able to bring my own copyrighted signboard name plate and enter the designated photo area for customer service. This time, I sold less than 10 photos. In 2006, the actual number of canine shows in mainland China has exceeded 40 times, involving 25 cities nationwide. I was invited to shoot 18 times, and another 8 photographers were invited to serve 19 dog shows, the remaining few times, did not invite photographers. I presume that all the photographers have sold about a thousand photos. After 2008, there may be nearly 100 dog shows every year. How many sales of canine show photographers will be invited at that time? Unimaginable. But what is certain is that the size and quality of the current team of photographers can not meet the requirements at all. This is an era that will develop vigorously without a match between the needs and presence of photographers. At the same time, dog show organizing committee’s short-sighted and ignorant, brought a lot of questions and troubles to the photographer’s invitation. How to invite? How to be invited? This is a question that both parties need to reach a consensus.
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