In the exploration of the question of truth in the contemporary western philosophy of science, the linear determinations of the traditional foundationalism are questioned and subverted in conformity with the truth theory, and the postmodernist view of the non-linear constructivist truth goes to the foreground. As a leader in the postmodernist constructivist truth view, American contemporary philosopher of sciences and sciences, Frasersen, absorbed the latest achievements in statistical physics, relativity, probability theory, semantics and pragmatics since the 20th century from the postmodern constructivist standpoint , Criticizes the linear conformity truth view of the foundationalism, puts forward the nonlinear semantic and pragmatic probability truth theory and the context specific truth view. In order to better adhere to and develop Marxist truth view and make Marxist truth view based on the latest achievements of contemporary natural sciences such as the theory of relativity, statistical physics, probability theory and information theory, we must criticize the probability of postmodernism Theory and pragmatics, contextual truth theory, opposition to linear determinism in truth view, correct dialectical relationship between reflection and construction, determination and uncertainty, linearity and non-linearity, enrich Marxist truth view.