做题目的这句话是我读了王世伟先生的“享受精神健康”(载《石油政工研究》今年第一期)一文后的一点感受。坐在“三昧书屋”里,细听作者以述说《王蒙自述:我的人生哲学》一书读后感的方式,同读者“平等谈心、低姿态对话、倾心交流、真诚吐露”在舒舒服服潜移默化中,切实受到了一次关于人生观、价值观、道德观的再教育。世伟先生其人,曾因一次会议与他有过短暂的接触,留给我的印象,他是一位博学多识而不喜张扬的“文化人”,说话总是语调平和,多有微笑。也许正应了“文如其人”那句老话,读着他的这篇文章,正如他在这里写下的,“就像一缕缕秋后的阳光,具有透彻的温暖,就像春日的溪流,潺潺地滋润心头。” 世伟先生在本文中坦言直面“现在的社会环境使得大家心情浮躁,还有多
To do the subject of this sentence is that I read Mr. Wang Shiwei’s “Enjoy Mental Health” (contained in “Petroleum Politics Research,” the first issue of this year) a little feeling. Sit in the “book of three mansions,” listen to the author to say “Wang Meng’s self-statement: my philosophy of life,” a way to read the book, with the reader, “equal talk, low profile dialogue, sincere exchanges, sincere subtle” , Really received a re-education on the outlook on life, values, morality. Mr. Shiwei, who once gave me a brief impression of having a meeting with him, is an educated and unprofitable “cultural man,” he always speaks calmly and smiles more . Perhaps he should have read this article in the “Wenru Renren” phrase, just as he wrote it here: “It is like a ray of autumn sunshine with a thorough warmth, like the spring stream, Moisten my heart. ”Mr. Shi Wei admitted frankly in this article" The current social environment makes everyone feel impetuous, and more