Total Routhian Surface (TRS) calculations have been performed for even-even nuclei along proton drip line to study nuclear ground-state deformations, as well as the odd proton nuclei Ho and Tm isotopes. The drip line nuclei show the expected shape transition with the shell e?ects. Ground-state shape changes from prolate to oblate at 143Ho and 145Tm in these two isotopes, which is due to the γ instability around N =76.
Total Routhian Surface (TRS) calculations have been performed for even-even nuclei along proton drip line to study nuclear ground-state deformations, as well as the odd proton nuclei Ho and Tm isotopes. The drip line nuclei show the expected shape transition with the Ground-state shape changes from prolate to oblate at 143Ho and 145Tm in these two isotopes, which is due to the γ instability around N = 76.