20世纪末,数码相机方兴未艾,而135胶片相机的发展也达到了最鼎盛时期。在这期间,不少在现在看来也属于“极致”的产品先后登场。今天我们要介绍的就是美能达的“极致口袋相机”TC—1,它是1996年日本相机大奖的获得者。究竟是什么原因,让评委放弃了同年登场的不少可换镜头相机而将殊荣颁绐TC—1呢?让我们一起来了解下。精巧典雅的机身首先必须要和大家强调的是,″TC—1″这个机型名称是″The Camera One″的缩写,而并非代表″TC系列首款产品″的意思。美能达在推出这款产品时,就希望它能成为口袋相机中的″No.1″,而TC—1也确实在机身体积等方面做到了极致。TC—1是除一次性相机外体积最小的135相机。根据美能达的官方数据,TC—1的机身尺寸只有99 mm×59 mm×29.5mm(长×宽×厚),比一个标准大小的香烟盒(86 mm×55mm×22mm)大不了多少。无论是CONTAX的T
The late 20th century, digital cameras in the ascendant, while the development of 135 film cameras has reached its peak. During this period, many products that now belong to the “ultimate” have appeared one after another. Today we are going to introduce the Minolta “Extreme Pocket Camera” TC-1, which is the winner of the 1996 Japanese Camera Awards. What is the reason for the judges to give up the debut of the same year a lot of interchangeable lens camera will award the award TC-1? Let us understand together. First of all, it must be emphasized that “TC-1” is the acronym for “The Camera One,” and it does not mean “TC Series First Product.” Minolta introduced this product, I hope it can become a pocket camera in the “No.1”, and TC-1 is indeed done in the body size and other aspects of the ultimate. The TC-1 is the smallest camera with the exception of a one-time camera. According to Minolta’s official figures, the body size of the TC-1 is only 99 mm × 59 mm × 29.5 mm (L × W × D), much less than a standard size cigarette case (86 mm × 55 mm × 22 mm). Whether CONTAX T