让记忆中充满粗犷放肆的旅程,是一辆SUV与生俱来的臆想。让每一段远行弥漫感性与内涵,是一辆旅行车月夜难眠的冥想。不如即日起程,让沉淀比记忆先行。打点行囊出发之前,我亲手刷洗着爱车,不放过每一个角落。擦去大灯上的水渍,由15颗LED组成的“L”型日间行车灯睁开了稀松的睡眼,镀铬装饰的进气格栅城府很深,却也是一种淡定的喜悦。在头灯和格栅形成的线条下方,是与车身同色的保险杠。再往下则是另一个环绕着镀铬翼片的进风口,风格元素类似于商用飞机的翼梢,低调的雾灯融入其间。蹲下身来,17英寸“Sao Paulo”铝合金轮毂,为车型赋予了优雅而动感的
Let memories full of rough and unbridled journey, is an SUV innate imagination. Let every journey diffuse sensuality and connotation, is a wilderness meditation on a wagon. It is better to leave today, so that precipitation precedes memory. Before I started packing, I brushed my car with my hands and left every corner. Wipe off the headlights of the water stains, composed of 15 LED “L ” type daytime running lights opened a sombre sleepy eyes, chrome-plated decorative grille Ayutthaya deep, but it is also a calm joy. Beneath the lines formed by the headlights and the grille are bumpers of the same color as the bodywork. Down further, there was another air inlet around the chrome-plated fins, similar in style to the wing tips of commercial aircraft, with a low-profile fog lamp integrated into it. Squat down, 17-inch “Sao Paulo ” alloy wheels, giving the car an elegant and dynamic