The meridians running through the meridians refer to the site where the meridians run at a certain time. For example, the site to which the meridian meridians run is “the crater.” Before the time when the meridians are still running, Points only. After a while, the meridians have crossed the cave and run to another acupuncture points, so the daily life of the circulatory body twelve ankles. Even if the meridians have not reached the acupuncture points and run on their own routes, if they are injured, they also belong to the acupuncture points, but the point is not the twelve acupuncture points but other acupuncture points. In light of this, we know that acupuncture efforts do not necessarily point to the twelve major points. Even if other positive points are found, they can cause death or serious handicap. The problem is that the acupuncture points are heavy or light, heavy The hand is to directly occlude the acupuncture points so that the meridians can not pass and die; light-handed but infarction acupuncture points, so that the meridians difficult to pass, resulting in the injured felt severe pain and disability.