第三章 “运动和力”本章主要讲述牛顿第一运动定律和第二运动定律。教材的基本内容跟试用课本相比,除了没有讲牛顿定律的适用范围(移到下一章讲过动量守恒定律之后简单提一下)以外,其他没有什么大的变化。不过,在牛顿第二运动定律的应用问题中,没有联结体问题,题目的难度上也降低了要求。牛顿第一运动定律概述了惯性的概念,揭示了运动和力的关系:物体运动不需要力,力改变物体的运动状态。这次编写教材时,牛顿第
Chapter Three “Motion and Force” This chapter mainly describes Newton’s first law of motion and the second law of motion. The basic content of the textbook is not much different from the trial textbook except that it does not cover the scope of application of Newton’s law (since moving to the next chapter to talk about the law of conservation of momentum). However, in the application of Newton’s second law of motion, there is no problem with the link body, and the difficulty of the topic also reduces the requirement. Newton’s first law of motion outlines the concept of inertia and reveals the relationship between motion and force: the motion of an object does not require force, and force changes the motion of an object. When this textbook was written, Newton’s