【摘 要】
A method is introduced for handiing-large linear system whose characteristic is that given the values of the nontheic variables, those of the basic ones can be
A method is introduced for handiing-large linear system whose characteristic is that given the values of the nontheic variables, those of the basic ones can be readily worked out with the help of a so-called adjoint canonical form instead of depending on the original one. ms method mey there fore be applied advantagequsly to a variety of large-seale linear system problem, for instunce,the optimal multi-circulation problem.
A method is introduced for handiing-large linear system whose characteristic is that given the values of the nontheic variables, those of the basic ones can be trying worked out with the help of a so-called adjoint canonical form instead of depending on the original one ms method mey there fore be applied advantagequsly to a variety of large-seale linear system problem, for instunce, the optimal multi-circulation problem.
2008年奥运会,是中国人的骄傲。这一权利的获得,为中华民族特别是本届奥运会的主办城市——北京掀开了崭新的发展篇章。 经过八年艰苦的努力与永不放弃的执着精神,我们终于
成绩/姓名/国家男子100米10.10/扎卡里/加纳10 19/托马斯/牙买加10.21/科林斯/圣基茨&内维斯10.21/阿柳/尼日利亚10.21/坎贝尔/英国10.23/埃杰贝勒/尼日利亚10.27/汤普森/巴
First, put the bar high at any height of 8
李丕龙是山东省章丘市人,1963年生,1984年华东石油学院大学毕业,1998年 青岛海洋大学研究生毕业,2002年中国科学院博士毕业。 自大学毕业分配到胜利油田,20年来一直从事油气