从军事技术的发展中可以看到,有许多正在被开发和探索的新思想最终可能会被放弃。这不是因为它们无用,仅是对给定的任务说来其解决方法费效比太高。然而,也有另外一种情况,一些完全不被重视,不引人注目的研究试验,由于它的技术、经济上的可行性以及在军事方面的优点开始形成,最终排除了其他概念,确立了自己的思想,从而一步步获得发展。有迹象表明,光纤制导导弹(简称 FOG-M,严格地说,这个专用名称只用于美国的试验计划)是一个时机已经成熟了的新思想。
As can be seen from the development of military technology, there are many new ideas that are being developed and explored in the end may eventually be abandoned. This is not because they are useless, but rather that their solution is cost-effective for a given task. However, there is also another situation where some completely unobtrusive and unobtrusive research trials have finally ruled out other concepts and established themselves because of their technical, financial viability and military advantages So as to gradually achieve development. There are indications that a fiber-guided missile (FOG-M, strictly speaking, used only for the U.S. pilot program) is a new idea that the timing has matured.