当今世界竞技体育水平最高的国家当属美国。有效的人才培养体制是美国竞技体育兴旺发达的根本保证。任何一种竞技体育人才培养模式的形成都不是偶然的 ,它必然植根于某种教育理念或文化价值观。正是由于自由教育理念与职业体育价值观的长期互动与融合 ,才形成了当今独具美国特色的竞技体育人才培养模式。文章还指出 :竞技体育人才培养是一项系统工程 ,要根据本国文化传统与体育价值取向选择合理的培养模式 ,不要盲目攀比或简单复制。
The world with the highest level of competitive sports in the world today is the United States. Effective personnel training system is the fundamental guarantee for the development of competitive sports in the United States. The formation of any kind of competitive sports personnel training mode is not accidental, it must be rooted in some kind of educational philosophy or cultural values. It is precisely because of the concept of free education and professional sports values of long-term interaction and integration, only the formation of today’s unique American sports training model. The article also points out that the cultivation of competitive sports talents is a systematic project. It is necessary to choose a reasonable training mode according to its own cultural traditions and sports value orientation, and not blindly copy or simply copy it.