专门地图有它独特的风格,不同一般的普通地图,它反应专业科学内容及其研究的深度和广度。 冰川图是反映山岳冰雪覆盖的地貌形态。珠穆朗玛峰冰川图,就是冰川地貌表示较好的一幅,它除了用不同色调的等高线表示地形,并用(氵晕)点法表示堆积(坡积、冰碛、冰水扇等),用(氵晕)渲法显示立体外,再加符号法表示基岩。这样,不仅反映了发育冰川的雄伟高大的山势,而且更突出了冰川作用下的地貌景观。可见,对大比例尺专业图采取多方法表示,更能加强冰川地形图直观效果。
Special map has its unique style, different general map, which reflects the professional content of science and its depth and breadth of research. Glacier map is reflected in snow-covered mountain topography. The Mount Everest glacier map is a better representation of the glacial landform. In addition to using different color contour lines that topography, and (halo halo) point method that deposition (slope plot, moraine, ice water fan, etc.), with (氵 halo) render three-dimensional display, plus the symbol method that bedrock. In this way, not only reflects the majestic high mountain glaciers, but also highlights the glacial landscape. Visible, take a multi-method representation of large-scale professional map, but also to enhance the visual effects of glacier topography.