从成本 -收益的经济学视角来看 ,腐败是在既定制度下 ,不因为公共权力使用的失误而给社会造成的净福利的减少 ,是一种典型的损人利己的外部性行为 ;从效用动机和约束条件两方面来分析 ,它都表现为一种权力寻租。腐败已成为一种严重的社会问题 ,对此 ,政府部门与学界都在积极探索遏制腐败的措施和方法。应从以下几方面着力 :一是外部性的内部化 ;二是重构利益机制 ,以利益均衡为基点构造权力的均衡 ;三是建立、健全权力制约机制 ;四是整肃制度与政策 ,加强法制 ,以“法权均衡”为基点构造权力的均衡
From an economic point of view of cost-benefit, corruption is a typical external act that harms the social welfare under the established system, not because of mistakes in the use of public power. From the perspective of utility motivation and Constraints from both aspects of analysis, it is manifested as a power rent-seeking. Corruption has become a serious social problem, and both government departments and academic circles are actively exploring measures and methods to curb corruption. We should focus on the following aspects: First, internalize externalities; second, reconstruct the mechanism of interests and balance the power based on the balance of interests; third, establish and improve the power restriction mechanism; fourth, we should clean up the system and policies, strengthen the legal system, Construct the Equilibrium of Power Based on the Balance of Legal Rights