From 1983 to 1988, we used 124% of hospitalized patients diagnosed with poliomyelitis randomly as the control drug, montmorine hydrochloride and galantamine, of which 54 were confirmed by etiology, without etiology Confirmed in 70 cases, the efficacy of the observation. Among the 54 cases of poliovirus confirmed by etiology, 28 cases were treated with monkshoodine, 27 cases were effective, the effective rate was 96.43%, 28 cases were treated with galanthamine, 21 cases were effective, the effective rate was 80.77 %. In terms of the sum of the basic cure rate and the significant improvement rate of the two kinds of drugs in the treatment of middle and heavy cases, the ratio of the single-leaf alkali group was 61.54% (16/28), the galanthamine group was 33.33% 8/24). There was significant difference (X ~ 2 = 2.98, P <0.05), which indicated that the therapeutic effect of monosodium hydroxide hydrochloride was better than that of galantamine in moderate and severe cases of poliomyelitis. Poliomyelitis drug of choice, and shows that the treatment of long-term treatment adherence is better, long-term use without systemic and local poisoning effect.