Dazhou, known as “China’s Capital of Gas and Pakistani Hometown,” is a prefecture-level city under the jurisdiction of Sichuan Province and is located in the eastern part of Sichuan Province. It is a large population city, an agricultural market, a resource-rich city and an industrial center in Sichuan Province And transportation hub, is the national “Sichuan gas east to send ” project starting point. State Grid Sichuan Dazhou Power Supply Company, which undertakes the power supply tasks of four districts and one city of four counties in Dazhou, owns five straight-through county-level companies and two wholly-owned county-owned companies, and has 80 substations with 35,000- The total capacity of 489.20 million kVA, more than 35 kV line 184, 2851.73 km. At present, all units affiliated to Dazhou Power Supply Company are experiencing shortages to different extents, and there is a great demand for new students. In 2014, 31 newly-accredited colleges and universities