
来源 :军事历史研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:XIONGSHENG0
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原始史料对于历史研究的重要性不言而喻,对于文献资料相对缺乏的长征史研究更是如此。《红军长征记》是由数十位长征参加者根据亲身经历撰写的长征见闻录,也是关于中央红军长征的最早的回忆史料集,湮没多年后重新受到关注。《红军长征记》兼具口述史料和文献史料的双重性质,本文通过对该书文本的梳理和解读,从勾画中央红军长征主要经过,描述党和红军领袖在长征中的活动,反映长征期间红军与民众的关系,记录长征官兵真实生活等方面,考察该书对于长征研究的重要价值。《红军长征记》不仅确立了长征叙事的基本框架,其中保留下来的大量珍贵历史信息,对于后人全面认识和感知长征的丰富貌相尤为难得。 The importance of historical materials for historical research is self-evident, especially for the study of the history of the Long March of the relatively scarce documentation. The Long March of the Red Army, written by dozens of participants of the Long March according to personal experience, is also the earliest historical collection of historical materials about the Long March of the Central Red Army. After years of annihilation, it has regained attention. Through analyzing and interpreting the text of the book, from the main outline of the Long March of the Central Red Army, this paper describes the activities of the leaders of the Party and the Red Army in the Long March, and reflects the progress of the Red Army during the Long March Relations with the people, and recording the true life of officers and soldiers in the march to examine the important value of the book for the study of the Long March. The “Long March of the Red Army” not only established the basic framework for the narrative of the Long March, but also preserved a great deal of precious historical information, making it particularly rare for the posterity to fully understand and perceive the rich appearance of the Long March.
所谓创造就是用不同于他人的方法,建立新的理论、做出新的业绩或东西。新课程标准的核心,就是以培养学生的创新意识和创造能力为目标,其最高宗旨是培养创造型人才。江泽民同志曾经说过:“创新是一个民族进步的灵魂,是国家兴旺发的不竭动力。”由此可见,在物理教学中培养学生的创新意识和创造能力。是非常之重要。现就物理教学中如何培养学生的创新意识和创造能力,谈几点粗浅的认识。  一、创新意识的培养  开展创新教育,
背景:  神经根型颈椎病作为颈椎病的一个临床类型,其发病率与就诊率相当高,严重影响患者的生活和工作。针灸治疗本病方法较多,以手三阳经之合穴,所入为合。”意为脉气自四肢末端
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介绍了国内近年来新型浮选机的研制与发展,着重介绍了几种有代表性的新型浮选机的性能、特点,阐述了浮选机的发展方向。 The development and development of new flotation