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福州会城乌石山上有一希世古刻——唐·李阳冰书写的《般若台铭》,铭文全文如下:「般若台,大唐大历七年著作郎兼监察御史李贡造,李阳冰书,住持僧惠摄」「般若」是梵语「智慧」的意思,或解释为脱离妄想,归于清静。从铭文可知:刻石造台者,李贡。书写铭文者,李阳冰。李阳冰,字少温,赵郡(今河北赵县)人。唐乾元时为缙云县令,官至将作监。他的篆书,结法古朴,承秦汉刻石笔意,然遒劲中逸致翩然,则是独创的风格。所以在唐代最受推崇,有「笔虎」的盛名,许 Wushu Mountain in Fuzhou City has a Greek ancient carved - Tang Li Yang Bing written “Prajna Paramita,” the full text of the inscription reads as follows: “Prajna, Datang Dali seven years of work and supervision of the Censor Li Gong Gong, Li Yang Bing book, abbot monk Wisdom takes ”“ Prajna ”is Sanskrit“ Wisdom ”, or interpreted as delusion, attributed to the quiet. From the inscriptions we can see: engraved stone man, Li Gong. Written inscriptions, Li Yang ice. Li Yang Bing, word less temperature, Zhao Jun (now Hebei Zhao County) people. Tang Qianyuan Jinyun magistrate, officials will be supervising. His seal script, ancient method of law, Cheng Qin Han carved stone pen meaning, while the glamorous in the Yi Zhi light, is the original style. Therefore, the most respected in the Tang Dynasty, the “pen tiger” reputation, Xu
一 我想念你  早晨,大嘴兔子看见树叶干枯,山坡也变得光秃秃,心里就感到很孤独,很孤独,希望爸爸的大手和她的小手,紧紧地握在一处。夜里,北风呼呼呼,呼呼呼,兔子窝仿佛变成了一座可怕的魔窟,大嘴兔子蜷缩在被窝里,渴望爸爸的保护。  可是,爸爸呢?爸爸和二叔、三叔,还有大姑父,到很远的地方去搬运过冬的食物。  有一天,大嘴兔子爬到山坡的最高处,远远望去,那里有一条望不到尽头的路。  “爸爸,我想念你了