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目的分析晋江市第五轮全球基金流动人口结核病控制项目实施2年后流动人口肺结核治疗效果。方法收集项目实施前后流动人口肺结核及项目实施后户籍人口肺结核治疗效果相关数据,并进行比较分析。结果项目实施后2008-2009年流动人口涂阳肺结核患者治疗满2个月痰菌转阴率为92.2%,与项目实施前2005-2006年流动人口转阴率92.8%类似,高于同期户籍人口转阴率86.9%;2008-2009年流动人口肺结核患者治疗成功率(89.8%)高于2005-2006年流动人口(87.3%)及同期户籍人口(82.1%);2008-2009年流动人口涂阳肺结核患者治愈率(94.5%)高于2005-2006年流动人口(88.8%)及同期户籍人口(87.8%)。结论项目实施后流动人口肺结核患者治疗成功率及涂阳肺结核患者治愈率均高于项目实施前流动人口及同期户籍人口。晋江市第五轮全球基金流动人口结核病控制项目的实施取得了初步的成效,要继续做好整合后的全球基金流动人口结核病项目。 Objective To analyze the therapeutic effect of tuberculosis among floating population 2 years after the implementation of the TB control program for the floating population in the fifth round of the Global Fund in Jinjiang City. Methods The data of tuberculosis of floating population before and after the implementation of the project and the treatment effect of tuberculosis of the household population after the implementation of the project were collected and compared. Results After the implementation of the project, the rate of sputum negative conversion rate of smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis patients with floating population from 2 months to the end of 2008-2009 was 92.2%, similar to that of the floating population before the project implementation from 2005 to 2006, 92.8%, higher than that of the census register population (89.8%) of floating population in 2008-2009 were higher than that of 2005-2006 (87.3%) and same-registered population (82.1%) in 2008-2009; smear-positive rate of floating population in 2008-2009 The cure rate of tuberculosis patients (94.5%) was higher than that of 2005-2006 (88.8%) and census register population (87.8%). Conclusion The success rate of TB treatment of floating population and the cure rate of smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis patients after the implementation of the project are both higher than the floating population and the registered population of the same period before the implementation of the project. The implementation of the fifth round of Global Fund Floating Population Tuberculosis Control Project in Jinjiang City has achieved initial success and the well-integrated Global Fund Floating Population TB Project should continue to be implemented.
从19世纪中叶起,生物学研究逐渐由表及里,向理解生命现象的内在规律,探索生命过程的运行机理深入。越来越多的化学分析,物理检测手段被运用于生物学实验中。通过实验的严格设计和精心安排,展开对生命活动运行规律的探究。  目前,生物高考试题也较常使用标志性生物实验作为试题背景模型考查相关重要知识点,而且越来越多地要求大家自行组织科学的生物语言主观作答。对于结果比较类的实验题型,准确寻找到题干内的变量信息,
心境的平静和愉悦来自参透,参透宇宙万物之道,参透人生之道。所谓参透就是让事情的本来面目清晰透彻地显露出来,把虚妄的掩饰和表面现象拨开,就像拨开云雾让太阳赤裸裸地显露出来。  我从来没有感觉到参透万物的真相是一件困难的事情。由于科学的发展和我们从小受到的训练,万事万物在我眼中总是清清楚楚,明明白白,没有什么费尽心力也无法理解的事情,没有什么绞尽脑汁也无法穷尽的事物。正因为如此,我的说话和写作风格显得
《边城》以兼具抒情诗和小品文的优美笔触,谱写出一首爱与美之歌。湘西淳厚朴实的人情世态,健美古朴的风俗习惯,新奇幽雅的山光水色,情调爽朗明快,色彩绚丽清新,是一幅优美别致的风土人情画卷。《边城》中的风情美主要从如下方面呈现出来。  山光水色,尽显宁静自然之美  小说以抒情诗的优美笔调,描绘了充满诗情的湘西风情。那清澈碧绿的河流、凭水依山的小城、河街上的吊脚楼、攀引缆索的渡船、关系茶峒“风水”的白塔、