七年前,我们不懂市场,不懂企业运营,像是游击队,一年卖上几百台服务器,根本不在市场的统计范围之内。现在,国产服务器已占国内市场四成份额。我们明白了市场,成了正规军。1996年,286、386机器时代,国内市场几乎没有 PC 服务器,全是小型机。1998年以后,PC 服务器才渐渐进入国内市场应用。从简单的电子邮件到很小的网站,目前已深入到大型的企业应用中。开始时,如果一个单位能买一台16个 CPU 的大机器放在机房里,简值是奢侈——只有少数大学和科研单位才能这样做。当时服务器硬盘只有百兆左右,现在已经有3G,并且一般的科研单位都会应用高性能计算机。人们注意到,高性能计算机的速度提高有超过摩尔定律的
Seven years ago, we did not understand the market, did not understand business operations, such as the guerrillas. We sold hundreds of servers a year and are beyond the scope of the market. Now, the domestic server has accounted for 40% of the domestic market share. We understand that the market has become a regular army. In 1996, 286,386 machine era, the domestic market almost no PC server, all minicomputers. After 1998, PC server is gradually entering the domestic market. From simple e-mail to very small websites, it’s now deep into large enterprise applications. In the beginning, if a unit could buy a large 16-CPU machine in the machine room, the value was a luxury - only a handful of universities and research institutes could do so. At that time, the server hard drive was only about 100 Mbps, and now 3G is already in use, and most of the scientific research institutes use high-performance computers. People have noticed that the speed of high-performance computers has exceeded Moore’s Law