
来源 :天津大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shinemun
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1981年4月美国罗普森教授来天津大学讲学时讲述了本文,演讲时辅以彩色幻灯片,作为直观形象补充。文章开头作了几点说明以后,接着描述了社会上对建筑师的种种误解,形象地刻划了一些模糊混乱的认识,从而他引述了20世纪著名建筑师对建筑的种种见解,随后提出他本人总结性的看法、言简意賅, 引人深思。本文主要是为学生而写的、内容着重基本概念,但对名家的各种观点也并不予以偏袒。继而文章又阐述了近代城市发展与建筑错综复杂的背景,强调人类面临环境的秩序与混乱的两个矛盾面,提出人类环境迫切需要重新整顿,要解决城市建设中的一系列问题。文中向青年建筑师热情介绍了建筑师的责任和义务,以及“设计过程”等概念。然后文章在这样一个背景的基础上,将建筑设计中的要点归纳为十点,逐点加以讲述。本文原名是:“10 Commandments of Architectural Design”其前半部份取名“Order and Disorder”。作者在演讲前作了一些删节。(译者) In April 1981, when Professor Ropeson of the United States came to Tianjin University to talk about this article, the speech was supplemented by a color slide as an intuitive image. After making some explanations at the beginning of the article, he then described various misunderstandings of the architects in the society and vividly portrayed some confusion and confusion. Thus he quoted the views of famous architects of the 20th century on architecture and later proposed him. My concluding observations are concise and concise. This article is mainly written for students, the content focuses on the basic concepts, but does not favor the various viewpoints on famous artists. The article then elaborated on the intricate background of modern urban development and architecture, emphasized that human beings face two contradictory aspects of the order and chaos of the environment, and proposed that the human environment urgently needs reorganization to solve a series of problems in urban construction. The text enthusiastically introduced the responsibilities and obligations of the architects to the young architects, as well as concepts such as the “design process”. Then on the basis of such a background, the article sums up the ten points in architectural design and points out the points one by one. The original name of this article is: “10 Commandments of Architectural Design” is named “Order and Disorder” in its first half. The author made some abridgement before the speech. (Translator)
你听,天还没亮,鸡就喔喔喔地叫,好像在说:“小朋友快快起来锻炼身体,千万别迟到了。”  我去上学的时候,小鸟站在树枝上啾啾啾地唱,好像在和我打招呼。  青蛙也醒了,呱呱地叫个不停。  夜深人静的时候,老鼠吱吱叫,好像在商量怎么偷油吃呢。  大自然的声音很多,如果你仔细去听的话。  (指导老师 潘春 魏秋银)
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