【Quebec,Canada】行走在魁北克城曾经繁忙的码头上,直到被擦身而过的自行车摇铃提醒才意识到,脚下这条木板路原来并非行人专有。卡西角步行道(Promenade de La Pointe-a-Carcy)的中央,一条黄虚线、两条白实线画出的双向两车道为自行车道,白实线之外则为人行道。随“河运黄金时代”的逝去而一度陷入沉寂的圣劳伦斯河岸边,再次回到城市生活的中心——以几条步行道构建的水岸公共空间将市民吸引至河边,在四百年建城史上,城市与水的对话,正在续写新的形式。
[Quebec, Canada] Walking on the quay at Québec City’s busy terminal, it was not until pedestrianized bike rattles reminded me that this boardwalk was not pedestrian-only at its feet. In the middle of the Promenade de la Pointe-a-Carcy, there is a yellow dotted line. Two bi-directional two-lane lanes painted in white and white are bicycle lanes and sidewalks are outside the white solid lines. With the passing away of the Golden Age of Golden Age, it once plunged into the silence on the bank of the St Lawrence River and returned to the center of urban life once again - attracting citizens to the riverside with public waterfront structures built by several pedestrian paths. In the history of the city, the dialogue between cities and water is continuing to write new forms.