去年首次按照法国知名艺术家奥古斯特·罗丹(Auguste Rodin)铸造的模具浇铸的纯青铜雕塑《阿芙洛狄特》(Aphrodite)于近日亮相伦敦佳士得《印象派与现代艺术》主题专场拍会,展现了双臂伸过头顶的优雅裸体爱神的形象,引发了激烈竞夺,并最终以近114.81万美元(约合人民币712.87万元)的高价成交。
Aphrodite, the first ever cast bronze sculpture molded last year by Auguste Rodin, a French well-known artist, recently appeared in a special auction on the theme of “Impressionism and Modern Art” by Christie’s of London. Showing the image of his elegant, naked, eros, with his arms over his head, sparked fierce competition and ended up selling at a high of nearly $ 1,148,100 (about 7,128,700 yuan).